Abdus Sattar Ghauri

A scholar of divine scriptures

Abdus Sattar Ghauri


Abdus Sattar Ghauri the senior most fellow of Al-Mawrid passed away on 22 April 2014. He remained associated with Al-Mawrid for almost two decades. He was a profound scholar of Biblical Studies. He devoted a greater part of his life to this subject and contributed deeply-researched books and articles in this area.

Born in Patiala (India) in 1935, Abdus Sattar Ghauri migrated to Pakistan in 1947 and taught for several years after he completed his MA (Islamic Studies) and M Phil (EPM). He remained a member of the National Curriculum Development Committee set up by the Ministry of Education of the government of Pakistan. He participated in many seminars and Master Trainers Workshops as a resource person throughout Pakistan.

May the almighty accept his endeavors and grant him a high place in paradise.

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